
Summer Newsletter from Executive Director Kelsey Rice Bogdan

Since sharing news of Life Together’s sabbath year last week, I have encountered a wide range of reactions. Some have expressed curiosity about the broader trends that make this time necessary. Some speak of sadness about an era coming to an end. Many have shared support and encouragement, for which I am deeply grateful.

I have experienced all these reactions and more since last winter, when Life Together’s Advisory Leadership Team first began to imagine possibilities for a pause. And yet in this moment, as we reflect on the year that has passed and turn toward our 25th cohort of fellows arriving next month, I am excited. Excited for the year ahead, as we learn from and walk with a fantastic group of young leaders. Excited for the formation of a discernment team to dream of Life Together’s future, and the commitment to young adult ministry that it represents from the Diocese's bishops. Excited for the conversations already swirling, the partners emerging from unexpected quarters, the pieces coming together to give birth to what’s next. 

I don’t know what shape that new thing will ultimately take. But in the midst of it all, I come back to the core teaching from my own Life Together Orientation 14 years ago: “Leadership is helping others achieve purpose in the face of uncertainty” (Marshall Ganz). There is no doubt that we face uncertain times, in Life Together, in the young adult service movement, in the Church. Yet our network is rich in leaders formed for such a time as this.

I will share updates with our community, via email and on social media, as this sabbath process unfolds in the coming months. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you would like to offer insights or get involved in some way. Because I have also learned in Life Together that leadership isn't an individual activity for one or two of us. We will find a path forward together, in community, listening to the Spirit and leaning into our shared values. Whatever you can offer to this process-- your prayers, your wisdom, your networks and resources-- will strengthen the outcome. Thank you for walking with us into this season.